Pan-fried kalamata olive seitan with red wine reduction, crispy onions and sauteed vegetables with kasha and baby kale

A plate that emphasizes fall flavors, colours and produce. The crispy red onion with sauteed red pepper, quartered mushrooms, apple and thyme provide a nice contrast with the kasha and baby kale greens in a light lemon and oil.

For the seitan

3 cups of stock
1T of olive brine
1/2t of coarse sea salt
1/2 cup of water
2t of tamari
2/3 cup of vital wheat gluten
1T of minced kalamata olives
3T of olive oil (1T separate for frying)
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

For the kasha

1T of arrowroot powder dissolved in 2T of water
1 cup of kasha
2 cups of stock
1/4t of coarse sea salt
1T of olive oil
2T of nutritional yeast
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

For the onions, red peppers and apples

2T of cooking oil
1/4t of coarse sea salt
1 medium red onion, peeled and thinly sliced
1 red pepper, cored and seeded in 1/2″ dice
1 small apple, cored and seeded in 1/2″ dice
1 cup of small button mushrooms, stemmed and quartered
1t of dried thyme, rubbed
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

For the kale

2 cups of packed baby kale greens
1T of olive oil
1t of lemon juice
A pinch of sea salt

For the reduction

1T of cooking oil
1/2 cup of the remaining broth
2T of red wine
2t of arrowroot dissolved in 1T of water
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

Make the seitan first, then the onions, then the kasha and finally, the kale.
For the seitan, bring the stock with the olive brine and sea salt to a light simmer.
Mix the dry ingredients, the remaining wet ingredients, and then the dry with the wet to form a ball of dough.
Knead for 2-3 minutes.
Break the ball in half and form two pieces, and flatten the two out.
Reduce the heat to low and add the seitan to the broth.
Simmer/poach on low for about 30-40 minutes.
Remove from the stock and set both aside to cool.
Once the seitan has cool a bit, bring the cooking oil to heat on medium high.
Add the seitan to the pan and fry, turning once until lightly browned on both sides (about 2-3 minutes).
When done, remove from heat, let cool slightly and slice.
While the seitan is simmering, make the onions.
In a frying pan with a lid, bring the cooking oil and sea salt to heat on high.
Add the onions and fry until they are lightly browned and crispy (about 5-7 minutes).
Reduce the heat to medium high.
Add the remaining ingredients and saute for another 7-10 minutes until the apples are golden and the mushrooms are cooked.
Remove from the pan and set aside.
Once the onions are done, make the kasha.
Whisk the arrowroot with the water.
Toss the kasha in the solution.
Add the kasha to the deglazed pan.
Stir fry the kasha for 2-3 minutes until lightly browned.
Add 2 cups of the remaining stock.
Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until the stock is absorbed (perhaps 10-15 minutes).
While the kasha finishes, dress and toss the kale.
When the kasha is done, remove from heat, and allow to cool 10 minutes.
While the kasha cools, make the reduction.
Warm the pan on medium high for about 30 seconds and add the wine and tamari to the pan and reduce for about 30 seconds.
Add the oil and the remaining stock to the pan.
If you have less than 1/2 up of stock, add a little water to the pan.
Bring the stock up to a light simmer and reduce to about 1/4 cup.
If the stock is too salty, add additional water 1T at a time.
Whisk the arrowroot with the water.
Add the mixture to the stock stirring continuously until thickened.
Toss the kasha with the kale until well-combined.
Season everything to taste.

Plate the kasha, then the onion, apple and red pepper mixture, then the seitan, and finally, its sauce.

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