Miso and greens soup with kale, spinach, nori and dulse

A light and but nourishing soup with an elegant and colourful presentation. Add some cooked black or French lentils for a more filling version.


1T cooking oil
1/4t coarse sea salt
2 scallions, minced (4″ green sliced and reserved for garnish)
1T fresh garlic, minced
1t dried oregano, rubbed
1T lemon juice
2 cups vegetable stock
2 cups unsweetened soy milk
2T white miso
2T cashew butter
1T tapioca flour dissolved in 2T cold water
1 cup baby kale with 1/4 cup reserved for garnish
1 cup baby spinach with 1/4 cup reserved for garnish
2T nutritional yeast
1t purple dulse flakes
1t toasted nori flakes
1/2t smoked paprika
1/2T black sesame seeds
1/4t black salt
2T or so passata (tomato puree)
Sea salt and black pepper to taste


Bring the oil and sea salt to heat in a large pan on medium-high.
Saute the scallions for 2 minutes.
Add the garlic and oregano and saute for 1 minute.
Add the lemon and deglaze the pan if necessary.
Add the stock and soy milk, and bring to a simmer.
Reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the cashew butter and white miso.
Puree the soup until smooth and consistent.
Mix the kale and spinach and add 1 1/2 cups to the soup.
Return the pan to a light simmer and simmer another 2-3 minutes until the greens are wilted.
Slowly add the tapioca mixture stirring continuously until thickened.
Remove from heat and let stand to cool 2-3 minutes.
Season to taste.
Ladle soup into each bowl.
Garnish each bowl with the reserved kale, spinach and scallions.
Then garnish each with the remaining ingredients.

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