Go vegan

An Abolitionist Approach Poster


The abolitionist rejects the welfarist position on veganism both because it explicitly endorses speciesism and exploitation, but also because it is counterproductive as a matter of strategy. If you explain to someone that there is no moral justification for eating any animal foods, she may not give up everything right away, but you have stated a clear and consistent position and you have provided a clear goal to which to aspire. If you tell her that it is morally acceptable to do less than become a vegan, you can be certain that she is unlikely to see any need to go further. When you have people like Singer, the so-called “father” of the movement, telling people that they can act morally by being “conscientious omnivores,” that is exactly what many people will do.

In conclusion, there is a world of difference between the veganism of the abolitionist and the “veganism” of the welfarist. The latter sees veganism as a means of reducing suffering but does not see it as a moral baseline.

~ Gary L. Francione

Excerpt from: “Oh my god, these vegans…”


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